在 5 个国家/地区共有 24 个制造基地
21 年来营业增长
C.H Guenther LLC is a member of Pritzker Private Capital, which partners with middle-market companies based in North America with leading positions in the manufactured products, services and healthcare sectors. The firm's differentiated, long-duration capital base allows for efficient decision-making, broad flexibility with transaction structure and investment horizon, and alignment with all stakeholders. Pritzker Private Capital builds businesses for the long term and is an ideal partner for entrepreneur- and family-owned companies. Pritzker Private Capital is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). For more information, visit PPCPartners.com.
核心价值观C.H.Guenther & Son 是一家多元化的全球食品制造商,为客户提供无与伦比的服务,积极与客户开展合作,朝着共同的目标前进——创造不凡和追求卓越。