Política de privacidad

This is the Privacy Policy of C.H. Guenther and its operating groups, U.S. subsidiaries, divisions, and affiliates (collectively, “ C.H. Guenther,” “we” or “us”). This policy applies to applicants, current and former employees, consultants, and customers. It does not form part of any contract of employment or other contract to provide services. We may update this policy at any time.

It is important that you understand this policy, together with any other privacy notices we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal information. Any questions concerning this privacy policy or how we handle personal information can be sent by email to Thomas McRae at tmcrae@chg.com or by mail to C.H. Guenther, 2201 Broadway Street, San Antonio, Texas 78215.

Principios sobre protección de datos
Cumpliremos con la ley de protección de datos aplicable. Esto significa que la información personal que tenemos debe: (i) utilizarse de forma legal; (ii) recopilarse únicamente con fines válidos que hayamos explicado claramente según la CCPA y no utilizarse de forma incompatible con dichos fines; (iii) ser relevante para los fines que hemos revelado y limitarse únicamente a dichos fines; (iv) ser precisa y mantenerse actualizada; (v) conservarse únicamente durante el tiempo necesario para los fines que hemos revelado; y (vi) mantenerse de forma segura.

¿Qué información recopilamos? ¿Cómo la utilizamos?
Cuando usted solicita información sobre un producto o servicio o se registra en uno de nuestros sitios, es posible que necesitemos conocer información específica sobre usted. Esto nos permite procesar su registro o solicitudes y responder a sus necesidades sin demora.

Los formularios de nuestro sitio pueden requerir que los usuarios nos den información de contacto (como nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y dirección postal) e información demográfica (como código postal, edad o cargo). Podemos utilizar la información de contacto de estos formularios de registro y encuestas para enviarle información sobre nuestra organización. En nuestro sitio web también se recopilan datos demográficos y de perfil. Utilizamos estos datos para adaptar su experiencia en nuestros sitios y distribuir contenidos que creemos que pueden interesarle.

When you order products or services from the C.H. Guenther Web site, we need to know your name, email address, mailing address, credit card number and its expiration date. This allows us to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status. To learn more about our encryption policies, please review the section ”How does C.H. Guenther. protect customer information?“

We monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout of C.H. Guenther. Web sites (listed above). We may also use the information we collect to occasionally notify you about important changes to the Web site, new services offered by C.H. Guenther, and special offers and information we think you will find valuable.

For California Residents, please review the notice of the Collection of Personal Information by C.H. Guenther and its U.S. Subsidiaries that can be found at the following link on the Company’s website. https://dev1.chg.com/ccpa-compliance/. We will only use your personal information for the purposes we have disclosed in this notice.

For California Residents who apply for employment with C.H. Guenther and its U.S. Subsidiaries, please review the Privacy Notice to California Job Applicants Regarding the Collection of Personal Information that can be found at the following link on the Company’s website. https://dev1.chg.com/ccpa-job-applicant-privacy-notice/

For California Residents who are employed by C.H. Guenther and its U.S. Subsidiaries, please review the Privacy Notice to California Employees Regarding the Collection of Personal Information that can be found at the following link on the Company’s website. https://dev1.chg.com/ccpa-employees/

How does C.H. Guenther protect customer information?
While no data security system can fully protect personal information from unauthorized data breaches, C.H. Guenther has implemented reasonable safeguards and controls, consistent with its legal obligations. We are committed to: (i) seeking to safeguard all personal information to us; (ii) seeking to ensure that it remains confidential and secure; and (iii) taking all reasonable steps to ensure that personal privacy is respected.

When you place orders or access your account information, we use a secure server. This secure server software, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the customer transactional data we collect is protected against unauthorized access with the use of digital certificates. Digital certificates for C.H. Guenther are issued by VeriSign, one of the most established signers of digital certificates. To learn more about our online security, simply click on the “Security” icon in your browser toolbar.

Hemos implementado procedimientos para hacer frente a cualquier sospecha de violación de la seguridad de los datos y notificaremos a las personas sujetas a la violación y a cualquier regulador aplicable de cualquier presunta violación en caso de que estemos legalmente obligados a hacerlo.

¿Qué hacen las "cookies"?
“Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent that. Even without accepting cookies, you can still use most of the features throughout C.H. Guenther Web sites.

Nuestro sitio puede utilizar cookies para hacer un seguimiento de su carrito de compras y para asegurarse de que no vea el mismo anuncio o contenido repetidamente. Utilizamos cookies para ofrecer información específica a sus intereses y para guardar su contraseña para que no tenga que volver a introducirla cada vez que visite nuestro sitio.

Will C.H. Guenther disclose the information it collects to outside parties?
C.H. Guenther does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. We may choose to do so in the future with trustworthy third parties, but you can request that we do not by emailing us at privacy@chg.com. (If you use more than one email address, send this message from each e-mail account you use.) Also, C.H. Guenther may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns and related site information to reputable third-party vendors, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.

This site allows the following options for removing your information from our database. If you do so, you will not receive future communications from us. 1. You can send email to privacy@chg.com. 2. You can send mail to the following postal address: C.H. Guenther 2201 Broadway Street, San Antonio, Texas 78215.

This site gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.1. You can send email to privacy@chg.com.2. You can send mail to the following postal address: C.H. Guenther 2201 Broadway Street, San Antonio, Texas 78215

Su consentimiento
By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by C.H. Guenther or any successor entity. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Conservación de datos
Solo conservaremos la información personal durante el tiempo necesario para cumplir con los fines para los que la recopilamos, incluidos los fines relacionados con el cumplimiento de cualquier requisito legal, contable o de elaboración de informes. Para determinar el período de conservación adecuado de la información personal, tenemos en cuenta la cantidad, la naturaleza y la sensibilidad de la información personal, el riesgo potencial de daño por el uso o la divulgación no autorizados de su información personal, los fines para los que procesamos la información personal y si podemos lograr esos fines por otros medios, así como los requisitos legales aplicables.

En algunas circunstancias, podemos anonimizar la información personal para que ya no pueda asociarse a una persona, en cuyo caso podemos utilizar dicha información sin previo aviso.

Díganos qué piensa al respecto.
C.H. Guenther welcomes your questions and comments about privacy. Please send email to privacy@chg.com.

Contactarse con el sitio web.
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this Web site, or your dealings with this site, you can contact: C.H. Guenther, 2201 Broadway Street, San Antonio, Texas 78215 or email privacy@chg.com
