
Guenther Gives Corporate Giving Request Form

Guidelines and Restrictions:

- Requests must support Food Security, Health and Wellbeing, and/or Education in communities in which we operate.
- CHG corporate giving is limited to monetary donations. In-kind donations are not available at this time.
- Projects must not discriminate via policy or practice, based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identification, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or any status protected by applicable law.
- Religious organizations must affirm that the project is secular. Religious and political programs will not be funded.
- Recipient organizations must be 501(c)3 or otherwise tax-preferred in the US or country of origin.


- Organizations based in the USA must include a W9 form with their application.
- Applicants must complete the request form at least 30 days prior to need and submit to
- Recipients agree to share program results with CHG and allow for public dissemination if/when appropriate.
- Requests over $1500 have additional requirements and must provide IRS Letter of Determination or equivalent.

The decision to provide funding is at the sole and exclusive discretion of CHG.

Request Type
List all that apply

Maximale Dateigröße: 2.1MB

Required attachments:
- W9 (for USA applicants)
- IRS Letter of Determination (For Requests over $1500)

Maximale Dateigröße: 2.1MB

In a maximum of three pages, please include the following project details:
- Organization's history and previous year's accomplishments.
- Target population, number of individuals, needs or problems to be addressed.
- Root cause of problem and how project will address it.
- Metrics by which organization will measure the results.
